Friday, January 19, 2007


I'm the kind of guy that notices the irony in life, like vegetarian smokers, or Gay Republicans. Well today I noticed quite the ironic slice of life. I was sitting at my local Second Cup doing some writing, as I'm known to do early in the morning, and in walks a regular. She was middle to upper aged (60), quite overweight (300 lbs maybe on her 5'2" frame) and certainly was a slow walker who seemed to get into everyone's way.

The ironic part of it all was, she was wearing a leopard skin coat. Now, I don't know if it was real leopard skin (well she certainly didn't catch it herself if it was) But here we have, one of the most svelte, majestic, quick, beautiful creatures on the planet that lives in a warm climate and it was killed to cover up one of the most disgusting creatures on the planet because she was cold.

Irony, yes. In the saddest form.



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